[1] Polydor. Hugh earle of March.Herevpon Hugh le Brun earle of March (vnto whome queene Isabell the wife of king Iohn had beene promised in mariage, before that king Iohn was motioned vnto hir, and therefore bare an in|ward displeasure towards the king of England, for that he had so bereft him of his promised spouse) be|ing now desirous to procure some trouble also vnto king Iohn,The Poicto|uins reuolt from king Iohn. ioined himselfe with Arthur duke of Britaine, and found meanes to cause them of Poi|ctou (a people euer subiect to rebellion) to reuolt from king Iohn, and to take armour against him, so that the yoong Arthur being incouraged with this new supplie of associats, first went into Touraine, and after into Aniou, compelling both those coun|tries to submit themselues vnto him,Arthur pro|claimeth him|selfe earle of Aniou, &c. and proclai|med himselfe earle of those places, by commission and grant obteined from king Philip.