[1] The like did king Iohn, so that with stout stomachs and eger minds, they stood there in the field readie to trie the matter with dint of sword vpon sound of the warning-blast giuen by the trumpets. Howbeit, by the mediation of certeine graue personages, Matt. West. Matth. Paris. This truce was conclu|ded vpon All hallowes day. as well of the spiritualtie as of the temporal [...]ie, which were in good estimation with both the princes, a communi|cation was appointed, which tooke such effect, that a truce was taken betwixt them for the terme of two yeares, the prisoners on either side being released by waie of exchange: and thus the wars ceased for that time. Then king Philip returned into France, and king Iohn into England, where he landed at Portes|mouth the 12 of December.