[1] About this season, the canons of Yorke (bicause the archbishops sée there had remained void a long time) obteining licence of the king, assembled togi|ther about the election of an archbishop. And though the king had once againe earnestlie mooued them to preferre Walter Graie bishop of Wo [...]cester, yet they refused so to doo, and therefore chose Simon de Langton, brother to the archbishop of Canturburie, which election was afterward made vo [...] by the ear|nest trauell of the king to the pope, bicause his bro|ther the said archbishop of Canturburie was known to fauour the part of the barons against him, so that the said Walter Graie was then elected and promo|ted to the guiding of the sée of Yorke,Walter [...] elected arc [...], of yorke. according to the kings speciall desire in that behalfe.