[1] [2] ΒΆ These things being brought to this issue, the fur|ther narration of them shall staie for a time, till I haue told you of a little trouble which about this time happened in London. For vpon the seauenth of Iune, the bailiffes of London, Roger Winchester and Edmund Hardell were discharged,Bailiffes o [...] London dis|charged and committed to+ward. and Serle the mercer and Hugh of saint Albons chosen in their roomes. The two former bailiffes were discharged and committed to prison by the kings commande|ment, vpon displeasure taken against them, bicause they had resisted his purueier of wheat, and wo [...]l [...] not suffer him to conueie anie of that kind of graine out of the citie, till the citie was stored. The thirtie & fiue rulers of the citie, hauing fulfilled the kings commandement to them directed for the discharging of those bailiffes, and imprisoning them, did after take aduice togither, and appointed a certeine num|ber of themselues with other to ride vnto the king, as then being at Langley, to obteine pardon for the said bailiffes, and so comming thither, they made such excuse in the matter, shewing further, that at the same season there was such scarsitie of wheat in the citie, that the common people were at point to haue made an insurrection about the same. By which means, and through freendship which they had in the court, the king was so satisfied, that he released them from prison, and pardoned their offenses.