[1] [2] King Iohn required of the archbishop (hauing as then the popes power in his hands, bicause he was his legat) to be absolued, promising vpon his solemne receiued oth,The king praieth to be absolued. that he would (afore all things) defend the church and the order of priesthood from recei|uing anie wrongs. Also, that he would restore the old lawes made by the ancient kings of England, and namelie those of S. Edward, which were almost ex|tinguished and forgotten. And further, that he would make recompense to all men whom he had by anie meanes in damaged. This doone,He is ab|solued. he was absolued by the archbishop, & shortly after he sent his oratours to Rome, to intreat with the bishop to take awaie the interdiction of the land. On the morrow after also, the king sent his letters vnto all the shiriffes of the counties within the realme, commanding them to summon foure lawfull men of euerie towne belong|ing to the demeans of the crowne, to make their ap|pearance at S. Albons, vpon the 4 daie of August, that they and other might make inquisition of the losses which euerie bishop had susteined,A quest of inquirie. what had beene taken from them, and what ought to be resto|red to them as due for the same.