[1] The earle of Flanders with the earles of Bullen and Salisburie, doubting to lose their ships, and la [...]e gotten bootie, sailed strait into one of the Iles of Ze|land called Walkeren. Then the French king con|streining them of Gaunt, Bruges, and Ypres, to de|liuer vnto him pledges, caused the towne of Dam, and his ships lieng there in the hauen to be burned,The French [...] his ships. doubting least they should come into the hands of his enimies. This doone, he returned into France, leauing his sonne Lewes and the earle of S. Paule in garrison at Lis [...]e and Doway, and for great sums of monie, which by agreement he receiued of the townes of Gaunt, Bruges, and Ypres, he restored vnto them their pledges. Thus saith Meire and Mat|thew Paris differeth not much from him touching the successe which chanced to the Englishmen by land. ¶ Héere will I staie a while in the further narration of this matter, and touch by the way a thing that hap|pened to king Iohn about this present time.