[1] [2] In like manner, all the fortresses, townes, and ca|stels in the south parts of the realme were subdued vnto the obeisance of Lewes (the castels of Douer and Windsore onelie exceptedî€) Within a little while after, Will. de Mandeuille, Robert Fitz Walter, and William de Huntingfield, with a great power of men of warre, did the like vnto the countries of Essex and Suffolke. In which season, king Iohn for|tified the castels of Wallingford,Castels forti|fi [...]d by king Iohn. Corse, Warham, Bristow, the Uies, and diuerse others with muniti|on and vittels. About which time letters came also vnto Lewes from his procurators, whom he had sent to the pope, by the tenor whereof he was aduertised, that notwithstanding all that they could doo or say, the pope meant to excommunicate him, and did but onelie staie till he had receiued some aduertisement from his legat Gualo.