[1] [2] [3] But most of all their tyrannie did appeare in the east parts of the realme, when they went through the countries of Essex, Suffolke and Northfolke, where they miserablie spoiled the townes and villages, re|ducing those quarters vnder their subiection, and making them tributaries vnto Lewes in most ser|uile and slauish manner. Furthermore,The castell of Norwich le [...]t for a prey to Lewes. at his com|ming to Norwich, he found the castell void of de|fense, and so tooke it, without any resistance, and put into it a garison of his souldiers. Also he sent a pow|er to the towne of Lin, which conquered the same, and tooke the citizens prisoners,Lin. causing them to paie great summes of monie for their ransoms. Mor|ouer, Thomas de Burgh,Thomas de Burgh taken prisoner. chateleine of the castell of Norwich, who vpon the approch of the Frenchmen to the citie, fled out in hope to escape, was taken priso|ner, and put vnder safekéeping. He was brother vnto Hubert de Burgh capteine of Douer castell.