[1] [2] [3] The French king at the same time lieng in siege before Arques, immediatlie vpon the newes of this ouerthrow, raised from thence, and returned home|wards, destroieng all that came in his waie, till he was entred into his owne countrie. Anno Reg. 4. It is said that king Iohn caused his nephue Arthur to be brought before him at Falais, and there went about to per|suade him all that he could to forsake his freendship and aliance with the French king, and to leane and sticke to him being his naturall vncle. But Arthur like one that wanted good counsell, and abounding too much in his owne wilfull opinion, made a pre|sumptuous answer, not onelie denieng so to doo, but also commanding king Iohn to restore vnto him the realme of England, with all those other lands and possessions which king Richard had in his hand at the houre of his death. For sith the same apperteined to him by right of inheritance, he assured him, except re|stitution were made the sooner, he should not long continue quiet. King Iohn being sore mooued with such words thus vttered by his nephue, appointed (as before is said) that he should be straitlie kept in pri|son, as first in Falais, and after at Roan within the new castell there. Thus by means of this good suc|cesse, the countries of Poictou, Touraine, and Aniou were recouered.