[1] [2] [3] The pope hearing of these variances betwixt the two kings, sent the abbat of Casmer into France,The pope sendeth his Nuncij into France. accompanied with the abbat of Troissons, to moue them to a peace. These two abbats tooke such paines in the matter; that the kings were almost brought to agréement. But the French king per|ceiuing himselfe to be aforehand in his businesse, sticked at one article, which was to repaire all such abbeies as he had destroied within the dominions of king Iohn: and king Iohn to doo the like by all those that he had wasted within the French kings coun|tries. Gaguin [...] The popes Nuncij would haue excommuni|cated king Philip, bicause he would not thus agrée. But king Philip appealing from them, pursued the warre, and besieged the towne of Radpont. Polydor. The soul|diers within the towne defended the first assault ve|rie manfullie, and caused the Frenchmen to retire backe: but king Philip meaning to haue the towne yer he departed, did so inclose it about, that within ten daies he wan it,Radpont woone. and tooke there twentie men of armes, an hundred demilances, and twentie ar|cubalisters.