[1] Now the archbishop and prelates for their parts thought this recompense to be but small, in respect of the great losses and hinderances which they had su|steined: and to haue the whole restitution delaied, they tooke it not well. Howbeit the cardinall leaned so to the kings side (hauing receiued of him to the popes vse the charter of subiection of the realmes of England and Ireland, now bulled with gold, where at the first it was deliuered to Pandulph sealed one|lie with wax. But their suit came to little effect, and in the end it fell out in such wise, that their com|plaint was lesse regarded. Moreouer, the rating of the value which the king should restore vnto the arch|bishop, and the other bishops, was by agréement of the king and them togither, appointed vnto foure ba|rons indifferentlie chosen betwixt them.