[1] [2] [3] The 14 day of Ianuarie it began to fréeze, and so continued till the 22 of March, with such extremitie,An extreame frost. that the husbandmen could not make their [...]ilth, by reason wherof in the summer following, corne began to grow to an excessiue price, so that wheat was sold by the quarter at 12 shillings of monie then cur|rant. This yeare about the feast of Pentecost, the king (by the aduise of his councell assembled at Northampton) prepared a nauie of ships, Anno. Reg. [...]. Polydor. Matth. Paris. King Iohn prepareth an armie to go into France. mustered souldiers, and shewed great tokens that he would renew the war, and séeke to be reuenged of his eni|mie the French king. The Nobles of the realme indeuoured themselues also to match the diligence of the king in this preparation, vpon an earnest de|sire to reuenge the iniuries latelie doone to the com|mon-wealth.