[1] Moreouer, the pride and pretended authoritie of the cleargie he could not well abide, when they went a|bout to wrest out of his hands the prerogatiue of his princelie rule and gouernement. True it is, that to mainteine his warres which he was forced to take in hand, as well in France as elsewhere, he was con|streined to make all the shift he could deuise to reco|uer monie, and bicause he pinched their pursses, they conceiued no small hatred against him, which when he perceiued, and wanted peraduenture discretion to passe it ouer, he discouered now and then in his rage his immoderate displeasure, as one not able to bridle his affections, a thing verie hard in a stout sto|mach, and thereby missed now and then to compasse that which otherwise he might verie well haue brought to passe.