[1] [2] [3] King Iohn being verie ioyfull of this good suc|cesse, marched towards Poictou, sending out his troops of horssemen to waste the countrie on euerie side. In the meane while the French king being here|of aduertised, came foorth with his armie readie fur|nished to resist king Iohn,The duke of Britaine and other of king Iohns friẽds ouerthrowne. and by the way encoun|tred with the duke of Britaine, Sauerie de Maule|on, and Almerike de Lusignian, which had beene a|broad to spoile the French kings countries. But be|ing now ouerset with the kings puissance, they were taken, and all their companie stripped out of their ar|mour, to their great confusion. This mishap sore weakened the power and courage of king Iohn. But the French king proud of the victorie, kept on his iournie, and approching néere vnto the place where king Iohn was as then lodged, did cause his tents to be pitched downe for the first night, and on the morrow after, as one desirous of battell, brought his armie into the fields, ranged in good order and rea|die to fight.