[1] The armie which king Iohn had left behind him in the south parts, vnder the leading of the earle of Salisburie and other, laie not idle, but scowring the countries abroad (as partlie yee haue heard) came to S. Edmundsburie, Ralfe Cog. and hauing intelligence there, that diuerse knights, ladies and gentlewomen that were there before their comming, had fled out of that towne, and for their more safetie were with|drawne into the Ile of Elie, they followed them, be|sieged the Ile, and assailed it on ech side, so that al|though they within had fortified the passages, and ap|pointed men of warre to remaine vpon the gard of the same in places where it was thought most néed|full; yet at length they entred vpon them by force, Walter Bucke with his Brabanders being the first that set foot within the Ile towards Herbie. For by reason the waters in the fenes and ditches were hard frosen, so that men might passe by the same into the said Ile, they found means to enter, and spoiled it frõ side to side,The Ile of Elie spoiled. Polydor. Bernewell. togither with the cathedrall church, carieng from thence at their departure a maruel|lous great prey of goods and cattell.