[1] By this conclusion of marriage betwixt the said Lewes and Blanch, the right of king Iohn went awaie, which he lawfullie before pretended vnto the citie of Eureux, and vnto those townes in the con|fines of Berrie, Chateau, Roux or Raoul, Cressie and Isoldune, and likewise vnto the countrie of Ueuxin or Ueulquessine, which is a part of the territorie of Gisors: the right of all which lands, townes and countries was released to the king of France by K. Iohn, who supposed that by his affinitie, Polydor. and resigna|tion of his right to those places, the peace now made would haue continued for euer. And in considerati|on thereof, he procured furthermore,The king cõ|meth backe againe into England. that the foresaid Blanch should be conueied into France to hir hus|band with all spéed. That doone he returned into England.