[1] [2] From thence he returned and came to Cantur|burie, where he held his caster, which fell that yeare on the day of the Annunciation of our ladie, in the which feast he sat crowned, togither with his wife quéene Isabell, the archbishop of Canturburie bea|ring the charges of them and their trains while they remained there. At the feast of the Ascension next in|suing, king Iohn set out a proclamation at Tewkes|burie, that all the earles and barons of the realme, and also all other that held of him by knights seruice, should be readie in the feast of Pentecost next insu|ing, with horsse and armour at Portesmouth, to passe ouer with him into Normandie, who made their appearance accordinglie. Howbeit, a great number of them in the end gat licence to tarrie at home, pai|eng for euerie knights fée two markes of siluer for a fine, which then was a great matter.