[1] King Iohn, after he vnderstood that the barons (contemning the popes decrée and inhibition) were more offended and bent against him than before,The K. sen|deth eftsoons to the pope. sent once againe to the pope, to aduertise him of their dis|obedience and great contumacie shewed in refusing to stand to his prescript. This doone, he returned to the Ile of Wight, and sailed from thence to Douer,The king re|turneth into the Ile of Wight. where diuerse of those his commissaries which he had sent to hire soldiers in forren parts returned to him, bringing with them out of diuerse countries such a multitude of souldiers and armed men, Matt. Paris. Polydor. that the one|lie sight of them stroke the harts of all the beholders with great feare and terror.The arriuall of forren soul|diers to the kings aid. Sancrie de Mauleon. For out of the parties of Poictou and Gascoine, there came men of great no|bilitie, and right worthie warriours, as Sauerie de Mauleon, Geffrey and Oliuer de Buteuile two bre|thren, hauing vnder them great numbers of good souldiers and tall men of warre. Also out of Bra|bant there came Walter Buc, Gerard de Sotignie, and on [...] Godestall, with thrée legions of armed men and crossebowes. Likewise there came out of Flan|ders other capteins, with diuerse bands of souldiers, which Ferdinando earle of Flanders (latelie retur|nedFerdinando erle of Flan|ders. out of the French captiuitie) for old fréendships [page 188] [...] furnished and sent ouer to aid him against his [...] as he had [...].