[1] The chéefest cause of the French kings displea|sure towards this earle,The like lea|gue was made in the same first yeare of king Iohn betwixt him & Ferdinan|do earle of Flanders. may séeme to proceed of the amitie and league which was concluded betwixt king Iohn, and the said earle, in the first yeare of the said kings reigne, whereby they bound themselues either to other, not to make anie peace, or to take a|nie truce with the king of France, without either o|thers consent first thereto had, and that if after anie agréement taken betwixt them and the king of France, he should chance to make warre against ei|ther of them, then should the other aid and assist him, against whom such warre should be made, to the vt|termost of his power.