[1] They sent Eustace de Uescie also vnto Willi|am king of Scotland, to signifie to him,Eustace Ue|scie sent into Scotland. that king Iohn vpon his arriuall in England, would satisfie him of all such right as he pretended to haue within the English dominions. And thus was king Iohn accompted and proclaimed king of England by the [page 158] generall consent of all the lords and barons of the same. The names of the cheefe of those péeres that were sworne (as you haue heard) are as followeth. Dauid earle of Huntington brother vnto William king of Scots Richard earle of Clare, Ranulfo earle of Chester, William earle of Tutherie or ra|ther Darbie, Walran earle of Warwike, Roger Lacie constable of Chester, and William de Mow|braie, with diuerse other, whose names I here omit, bicause I would not be tedious and irksome to the readers.