Snippet: 74 of 288 (1587, Volume 6, p. 168)
[...] this s [...]ould [...] in the dai [...]s of K. Henrie the second.
A fish like to a man.
In this sixt yeare of king Iohns reigne, at Oxe|ford in Suffolke, as
Fabian saith (although I sh [...]ke he be deceiued in the time) a fish was taken by fish| [...]rs in their nets as they were at sea, resembling in s [...]ape a wild or sauage man, whome they presented vnto sir Bartholomew de
Glanuille knight, that had then the kéeping of the castell of Oreford in
Suf|folke. He was naked, and in all his liues and mem|bers resembling the right proportion of a man; he had haires
also in the vsuall parts of his bodie albeit that the crowne of his head
was bald, his beard was long and rugged, and his breast hairie. The knight
caused him to be kept certeine daies & nights from the sea, me [...]t set afore him he greedilie deuoured, & did eat fish both raw
and sod. Those that were raw he pressed in his hand till he had thrust out
all the moisture, and so then did eat them. He would not or could not vtter
any speach, although to trie him they hung
him vp by the héeles, and miserablie tormented him. He would get him to his
couch at the setting of the sunne, and rise againe at the rising of the