[1] This suit was so followed, although with some dif|ficultie, that at length, to wit, the sundaie after that the king of Scots had doone his homage, through the helpe and furtherance of the archbishop of Cantur|burie, they came to the kings spéech, and obteined so much, as they in reason might desire: for he pardo|ned them of all his passed displeasure, receiued them againe into his fauour, tooke them into his protecti|on, and commanded that all iniuries, greeuances and molestations should be reformed, redressed and amended, which in respect of his indignation had béene offered and doone to them by any manner of meanes. And to see the same accomplished, writs were directed vnto the shiriffes of the counties, bea|ring date from Lincolne the 27 of Nouember. And thus were those moonks for that time restored to the kings fauour, to their great commoditie and comfort.