[1] The popes answer vnto the kings am|bassadours.The pope hauing heard their tale, and considered of the articles, with bending browes (in witnesse of his indignation) made foorthwith this short answer:

And is it so, that the barons of England doo go about to expell their king, which hath taken vpon him the crosse, and is remaining vnder the protection of the apostolike sée And doo they meane indéed to tran|slate the dominion that belongeth to the church of Rome vnto another? By S. Peter we cannot suffer this iniurie to passe vnpunished. Herevpon (credi|ting the ambassadours words) by the aduice of his cardinals, he decréed that all those priuiledges, which the king had granted vnto the lords and barons of this realme, as inforced thereto by their rebellious attempt, should be accounted void and of none ef|fect.
Also he wrote vnto the lords, admonishing them by his letters that they should obeie their king, vpon paine of his cursse if they should attempt anie thing that sounded to the contrarie.