[1] [2] It was coniectured that there were in that armie the number of two thousand knights, beside yeomen on horssebacke or demilances (as I may call them) and footemen apparelled in diuerse sorts of armour. The chiefe ringleaders of this power were these, whose names insue:The names of the lords that banded themselues against the king. Robert Fitz Walter, Eustace Uescie, Richard Percie, Robert Roos, Peter de Breuse, Nicholas de Stuteuill, Saer earle of Win|chester, Robert erle of Clare, Henrie earle of Clare, Richard earle de Bigot, William de Mowbray, William de Cressey, Ralfe Fitz Robert, Robert de Uere, Foulke Fitz Warren, Will. Mallet, Wil|liam de Montacute, William de Beauchampe, Si|mon de Kime, William Marshall the yoonger, Wil|liam Manduit, Robert de Montibigonis, Iohn Fitz Robert, Iohn Fitz Alane, G. Lauale, O. Fitz A|lane, W. de Hobrug, O. de Uales, G. de Gaunt, Maurice de Gaunt, Robert de Brakesley, Robert de Mounfichet, Will. de Lanualley, G. de Maunde|uile earle of Essex, William his brother, William de Huntingfield, Robert de Gresley, G. constable of Menton, Alexander de Panton, Peter Fitz Iohn, Alexander de Sutton, Osbert de Bodie, Iohn con|stable of Chester, Thomas de Muleton, Conan Fitz Helie, and manie other; they had also of councell with them as chiefe the archbishop of Canturburie.