[3] After this, he besieged a
castell that stood vpon the banke of the riuer of Loier, called La Roch
au|moyne, inforcing his whole indeuour to haue woone it.The French kings sonne came to fight with king Iohn.
But yer he could atteine his purpose, he was ad|uertised that Lewes the sonne of king Philip was comming towards him
with a great power to raise his siege. Wherefore hauing no great confidence
in the Poictouins, and vnderstanding that Lewes brought with him a verie
strong armie, he tooke ad|uise of his councell, who iudged that it should be
best for him to breake vp his siege and to depart, which he did,
K. Iohn re|moueth to Angiers. The Poicto|uins subdued by the Frẽch. The battell at the bridge of