[1] Anno Reg. 11. Polydor. King Iohn notwithstanding that the realme was thus wholie interdicted and vexed, so that no preests could be found to saie seruice in churches or chapels, made no great account thereof as touching any of|fense towards God or the pope:A new oth of allegiance. but rather mistru|sting the hollow hearts of his people, he tooke a new oth of them for their faithfull allegiance, and imme|diatlie therevpon assembled an armie to go against Alexander king of Scots,Alexander K. of Scots. vnto whome (as he had heard) diuerse of the nob [...]litie of this realme were fled, which Alexander was the second of that name that had ruled the Scots, and latelie before was en|tred into the rule as lawfull successor to the crowne of Scotland, by the death of his father K. William.