[1] Besides these bishops, there were of the temporall lords and earles, Robert of Leicester, Richard of Clare, William of Tutburie, Hamlin of Warren, William of Salisburie, William of Chepstow o|therwise called Striguille, Walran of Warwike Roger Bigot, William of Arundell, and Ranulfe of Chester, with manie other barons, lords, knights, and no small multitudes of gentlemen and other common people. The same daie of his coronation al|so, Rog. Houed. Williã Mar|shall earle of Striguille. Geffrey Fitz Peter created earle of Essex. he inuested William Marshall with the sword of the earledome of Striguille, and Geffrey Fitz Pe|ter, with the sword of the earledome of Essex. For al|though they were called earles, and exercised the ad|ministration of their earledoms; yet were they not till that daie girded with the sword of those earle|doms, and so that day they serued at the table with their swords girded vnto them.