[1] Neuerthelesse as the booke that belonged to Berne| [...]ell abbie saith) there was not any of them hanged, [...] sauing one arcubalister onelie, whome the king had brought vp top a child. But howsoeuer the king dealt with them after they were yéelded, true it is (as by the same booke it appeareth there had beene no siege in those daies more earnestlie inforced, nor more ob|stinatlie defended: for after that all the limmes of the castell had beene reuersed and throwne downe, they kept the maister tower, till halfe thereof was also ouerthrowne, and after kept the other halfe, till through famine they were constreined to yéeld, ha|uing nothing but horsseflesh and water to susteine their liues withall.