[1] [2] [3] The same time, to wit, about the feast of saint Mi|chaell,A cardinall sent into En|gland. came Nicholas the cardinall of Tusculane in|to England, sent from the pope, to take awaie the in|terdiction, if the king would stand to that agreement which he had made and promised by his oth to per|forme. King Iohn receiued this cardinall in most ho|norable wise, and gladlie heard him in all things that he had to saie. This legat at his comming to Westminster, deposed the abbat of that place, na|med William from his roome, for that he was accu|sed both of wasting the reuenues of the house, and al|so of notable incontinencie. Moreouer the burgesses of the towne of Oxford came vnto him to obteine absolution of their offense,The burges|ses of Oxford require abso|lution. in that through their pre|sumption, the thrée schollers (of whom ye haue heard before) were hanged there, to the great terror of all the residue. To be short, they were absolued and pe|nance inioined them, that they should strip them out of their apparell at euerie church in the towne, and going barefooted with scourges in their hands, they should require the benefit of absolution of eue|rie parish preest within their towne, saieng the psalme of Miserere.