[1] The Nobles supposing that longer delaie therein was not to be suffered, assembled themselues togi|ther at the abbeie of Burie (vnder colour of going thither to doo their deuotions to the bodie of S. Ed|mund which laie there inshrined) where they vttered their complaint of the kings tyrannicall maners,A cloked pil|grimage. al|ledging how they were oftentimes called foorth to serue in the wars & to fight in defense of the realme, and yet notwithstanding were still oppressed at home by the kings officers, who (vpon confidence of the lawes) attempted all things whatsoeuer they concei|ued. And if anie man complained, or alledged that he receiued wrong at their hands, they would an|swer by and by, that they had law on their side to doo as they had doone, so that it was no wrong but right which they did, and therfore if they that were the lords and péeres of the realme were men, it stood them vp|on to prouide that such inconueniences might be a|uoided, and better lawes brought in vse, by the which their ancestours liued in a more quiet and happie state.