[1] [2] Whereas before this [...] London bridge was made of timber, and was ruled,Londõ bridge repaired. guided & repai [...]e [...] by a fraternitie or colledge of priests this yéere by great aid of the citizens of London and others [...] that waie, the same bridge was beg [...]n to be [...] of [...]one. And in the same yeare [...] Marie Ouer [...]es in Southwarke was begun to be repaired. The same yeare also, the citizens [...] London made such suit vnto the king, that he granted vnto them by his let|ters patents, licence to [...] to themselu [...] a m [...]ior, and two shiriffes euer [...]e yeare. A [...]ter which gran [...] vn|to them confirmed, they chose for their [...] He [...]rie Fitz Alwin, who was sworne and charged at that present maior of that citie, vpon the day of [...] Mi|chaell the archangell, in [...]he said tenth yeare of king Iohn his reigne. On the same day and yeare, were Peter Duke & Thomas N [...]te sworne for shiriffes. Thus the name of ba [...]liffes from thence forth was clearelie extinguished.