[1] ΒΆ Whilest the said Lewes was thus occupied in Sussex, about the subduing of that countrie vnto his obeisance, there was a yoong gentleman in those parts named William de Collingham, being of a valorous mind, and loathing forren subiection, who would in no wise doo fealtie to Lewes,William de Collingham a gentleman of Sussex. but assem|bling togither about the number of a thousand ar|chers, kept himselfe within the woods and desert pla|ces, whereof that countrie is full, and so during all the time of this warre, shewed himselfe an enimie to the Frenchmen, slaieng no small numbers of them, as he tooke them at any aduantage. O worthie gentle|man of English bloud! And O

Grandia quae aggreditur fortis discrimina virtus!