[1] When wheat was sold for six shillings the quar|ter, then shall euerie loafe of fine manchet wey 41 shillings, and euerie loafe of cheat shall wey 24 shil|lings. When wheat is sold for fiue shillings and six pence, then manchet shall wey 20 shillings, and cheat 28 shillings. When wheat is sold for fiue shillings, then manchet shall wey 24 shillings, and the cheat bread 32 shillings. When wheat is sold for foure shil|lings six pence, manchet shall wey 32 shillings, and cheat 42 shillings. When wheat is sold for foure shil|lings, manchet shall wey 36 shillings, and cheat 46 shillings. When wheat is sold for thrée shillings six pence, then shall manchet wey 42 shillings, and cheat 54 shillings. When wheat is sold for thrée shillings, manchet shall wey 48 shillings, and cheat 44 shil|lings. When wheat is sold for two shillings and six pence, manchet shall wey 54 shillings, and cheat 72 shillings. When wheat is sold for two shillings, manchet shall wey sixtie shillings, and cheat foure pound. When wheat is sold for 18 pence the quarter, manchet shall wey 77 shillings, & cheat foure pound and eight shillings. This ordinance was proclaimed throughout the realme, as most necessarie and profi|table for the common-wealth.