[1] [2] After this, the said cardinall called a councell or conuocation of the cleargie,A cõuocation called by the cardinall. to reforme such things touching the state of the church as should be thought requisite. And though he handled not this matter with such fauour and vprightnesse as the bishops wi|shed on their behalfes, yet he caused king Iohn to re|store the most part of all those goods that remained vnspent, and also the value of halfe of those that were consumed and made awaie, vnto those persons as well spirituall as temporall, from whom they had béene taken in time of the discord betwixt him and the pope. But before all things could be thus quie|ted and set in order betwixt the king and the bishops, manie méetings were had, as at London, Reading, Wallingford, and in other places.