[1] All his Nobles in like manner held with him, and allowed his purpose to be verie good and requi|site, except the earle of Flanders named Ferdinan|do, who (in hope to recouer againe those townes, which the French king held from him in Arthois, as Aire, and S. Omers) had ioined secretlie in league with king Iohn, and with the earle of Bullongne, and therefore misliked the conclusion of their ad|uise.The French king meaneth to procéed in his iournie against the realme of England. Howbeit king Philip not being yet fullie certi|fied hereof, caused his nauie to draw alongest the coast towards Flanders, whither he himselfe hasted to go also by land, that comming thither, he might from thence saile ouer into England, and take land at a place to him assigned.