[1] They shewed also a note of certeine articles con|teined in the charter, Matth. Paris. which seemed to make most for the kings purpose, and withall declared that the king in open assemblie, where he and the barons met to talke of such matters, had protested that the king|dome of England speciallie apperteined (as touching the souereingtie) vnto the church of Rome, whervpon he neither could nor ought without knowledge of the pope to ordeine anie thing anew, or change ought within that kingdome in preiudice thereof. Where|fore whereas he put himselfe and all the rights of his kingdome by way of appealing vnder the protection of the apostolike sée: the barons yet without regard had to the same appeale, did seize into their possessi|on the citie of London, and getting them to armour, inforced the king to confirme such vnreasonable ar|ticles, as there appeared for him to consider.