[1] But yet that it might appeare to all men, that no|thing could be more ioifull vnto his holinesse, than to haue king Iohn to repent his trespasses commit|ted, and to aske forgiuenesse for the same, he appoin|ted Pandulph,Pãdulph sent into France to practise with the frẽch king, for king Iohn his de|struction. which latelie before was returned to Rome, with a great number of English exiles to go into France, togither with Stephan the archbishop of Canturburie, and the other English bishops, gi|uing him in commandement, that repairing vnto the French king, he should communicate with him all that which he had appointed to be doone against king Iohn, and to exhort the French king to make warre vpon him, as a person for his wickednesse ex|communicated. Moreouer this Pandulph was com|manded by the pope, if he saw cause, to go ouer [...] England, and to deliuer vnto king Iohn such letters as the pope had written for his better instruction, and to séeke by all means possible to draw him from his naughtie opinion.