[1] [2] Rog. Houed. A councell called at West|minster by the archbishop of Canturburie.In this yeare also, Hubert archbishop of Cantur|burie held a councell at Westminster against the prohibition of the lord chiefe iustice, Geffrey Fitz Peter earle of Essex. In the which councell or synod, diuerse constitutions were made and ordeined for orders and customes to be vsed touching the seruice and administration of sacraments in the church, and other articles concerning churchmen and ecclesiasti|call matters.Arthur duke of Britaine doth homage to the king of England. About the same time, king Iohn and Philip king of France met togither néere the towne of Uernon, where Arthur duke of Britaine (as vas|sall to his vncle king Iohn) did his homage vnto him for the duchie of Britaine, & those other places which he held of him on this side and beyond the riuer of Loir, and afterward still mistrusting his vncles cur|tesie, he returned backe againe with the French king, and would not commit himselfe to his said vn|cle, who (as he supposed) did beare him little good will. These things being thus performed, king Iohn re|turned into England,King Iohn returneth in|to England. The quéene is crowned. and there caused his new mar|ried wife Isabell to be crowned on the sundaie be|fore the feast of S. Denise, the eight of October.