[1] He builded the monasterie of Farendon, and the abbeie of Hales in Shropshire; he repaired God|stow where his fathers concubine Rosamund laie in|terred; he was no small benefactor to the minster of Lichfield in Staffordshire; to the abbeie of Cro|kesden in the same shire, and to the chappell at Kna|tesburgh in Yorkshire. So that (to say what I thinke) he was not so void of deuotion towards the church, as diuers of his enimies haue reported, who of meere malice conceale all his vertues, and hide none of his vices; but are plentifull inough in setting foorth the same to the vttermost, and interpret all his doo|ings and saiengs to the woorst, as may appeare to those that aduisedlie read the works of them that write the order of his life, which may séeme rather an inuectiue than a true historie: neuerthelesse, sith we cannot come by the truth of things through the ma|lice of writers, Matth. Paris. Polydor. & alij. we must content our selues with this vnfréendlie description of his time. Certeinelie it should séeme the man had a princelie heart in him, and wanted nothing but faithfull subiects to haue as|sisted him in reuenging such wrongs as were doone and offered by the French king and others.