[1] Herevpon king Iohn went foorth with all his power of horssemen,K. Iohn in|uadeth Bri|taine. and entering into Britaine, made rodes through the countrie, wasting the same euen to the walles of Naunts: but shortlie after the Britaines assembled togither, vnder the leading of Peter, the son of Robert earle of Drieux (the French kings vncle, who had maried the ladie Adela, daugh|ter to duke Guie of Britaine) and marching foorth in|to the field to defend their countrie from the eni|mies, came to ioine with them in battell. At the first there was a verie sharpe incounter, but at length the Britains being vanquished and put to flight,The Bri|taines put to flight. a great number of them were taken prisoners, and amongst other their capteins, the foresaid Peter was one, whom king Iohn sent awaie with all the rest vnto Angiers,Peter the erle of Drieux his sonne taken prisoner. to be kept in safegard vntill he should re|turne.