[1] Unseasonable weather.There chanced this yeare woonderfull tempests of thunder, lightning, haile, and abundance of raine, in such wise, that mens minds were greatlie astonied therwith: medowes and marsh grounds were quite ouerflowne, bridges broken and borne downe, and great quantitie of corne and haie lost and carried a|waie, and diuerse men and women drowned. Mar|garet mother of Constance, duches of Britaine, si|ster to William king of Scots, and mother to Hen|rie Boun earle of Hereford, deceassed. This yeare also by the counsell and aduice of the burgesses of London, Fabian. there were chosen 35 of the most substanti|all and wisest men, which after the report of some writers, were called the councell of the citie of Lon|don, out of which number the Maior and Bailiffes were yearelie chosen.