[1] Guie sonne to the vicount of Touars.The Lord Guie, sonne to the vicount of Touars, who had taken Arthurs mother Constance to wife, after the diuorse made betwixt hir and the earle of Chester, in right of hir obteined the dukedome of Britaine. But king Philip after he was aduertised of Arthurs death, tooke the matter verie gréeuouslie, and vpon occasion therof,Constance the mother of duke Arthur accuseth king Iohn. cited king Iohn to appeare before him at a certeine day, to answer such obiecti|ons as Constance the duches of Britaine mother to the said Arthur should lay to his charge, touching the murther of hir sonne. And bicause king Iohn appea|red not, he was therefore condemned in the action, and adiudged to forfeit all that he held within the pre|cinct of France, aswell Normandie as all his other lands and dominions.