[1] Furthermore, hauing his armie readie to passe on into Wales, he receiued letters the same time, both from the king of Scots, and from his daughter the wife of Leoline prince of Wales, conteining in effect the aduertisement of one matter, which was to let him know, that if he proceeded on his iournie, he should either through treason he slaine of his owne lords, or else be deliuered to be destroied of his enimies. The king iudging no lesse, but that the te|nor of the letters conteined a truth, Matth. Paris. King Iohn breaketh vp his armie. brake vp his ar|mie and returned to London. From whence he sent messengers vnto all such lords as he suspected, com|manding them to send vnto him hostages for more assurance of their fidelities. The lords durst not dis|obeie his commandement, but sent their sons, their nephues, and other their kinsmen, accordinglie as he required, and so his rancour was appeased for a time. But Eustace de Uescie, Robert Fitz Walter, and Stephan Ridell, being accused an [...] suspected of the K. for the said treason, were glad to flée the realme, Uescie departing into Scotland, and the other two into France.