[1] In this meane time it chanced, that Henrie earle of Namure, Rog. Houed. The earle of Namure. brother to Philip earle of Flanders, and one Peter of Doway, a right valiant knight, with his brother that was the elect bishop of Cambrey, were taken prisoners in a skirmish, and presented to the French king. Wherevpon the cardinall of Ca|pua (being at the same time the popes legat in France) interdicted that realme for the taking of the same elect of Cambrey,France inter|dicted. Normandie interdicted. & also all Normandie, for the deteining of the bishop of Beauuois in prison (who had laine there a long time, & was taken in the field after such manner as is before rehearsed) so that the French king was glad to restore the elect of Cambrey to his libertie. And likewise king Iohn deliuered the bishop of Beauuois, Rog. Houed. who paied two thousand marks, besides expenses of diet during the time of his captiuitie, and furthermore tooke an oth, that he should neuer after beare armour in the war against any christian or christians.