[1] [2] About the same time also, it thanced that a preest slue a woman at Oxford, Matth. Paris. A murther at Oxford. and when the kings offi|cers could not find him that had committed the mur|ther, they apprehended thrée other préests not guiltie of the fact, and streightway hanged them vp without iudgement.Thrée thou|sand as saith Matth. Paris. With which crueltie others of the Uni|uersitie being put in feare, departed thence in great numbers, and came not thither againe of a long time after, some of them repairing to Cambridge, and some to Reading to applie their studies in those pla|ces,Oxford forsa|ken of the scholers. leauing Oxford void. The same yeare one Hugh archdeacon of Welles,Hugh archde|acon of Wels made bishop of Lincolne. Polydor. Matth. Paris. and kéeper of the kings great seale, was nominated bishop of Lincolne; and here|withall he craued licence to go ouer into France vnto the archbishop of Rouen, that he might be con|secrated of him. Wherewith the king was contented and gladlie gaue him leaue, who no sooner got ouer into Normandie, but he streight tooke the high waie to Rome, and there receiued his consecration of Stephan archbishop of Canturburie. Now when the king vnderstood this matter, and saw the dulnesse of the bishop, he was in a wonderfull chafe toward him, and thervpon made port-sale of all his goods, and re|ceiued the profit of the reuenues belonging to the sée of Lincolne for his owne vse.