[1] The king also doubting least the pope should pro|ceed further, and absolue all his subiects of their alle|giance which they owght to him, and that his lords would happilie reuolt and forsake him in this his trouble, tooke hostages of them whom he most suspec|ted. And as the messengers, which were sent abroad for that purpose,Lord William de Breuse. came vnto the lord William de Breuse, requiring to haue his sonnes for the said pur|pose, his wife (like a quicke and hastie dame) taking the word out of hir husbands mouth, made this round answer,

that she would n [...]t [...]liuer hir sonnes vnto King Iohn who alreadie ha [...] [...] his [...] Ar [...]ur, [...] he ought r [...]her honourablie to haue loued and [...]serued
These words being signified vn|to the [...] at against hir hus|band ( [...]) [...]hat [...]he [...] was glad togither with his [...]ife and [...] of the realme into Ireland for safe|gard of their liues.