[1] [2] [3] But howsoeuer it was, after the truce began to expire which he had granted vnto the earls of Marsh and Augi, on the friday before Whitsunday he came with his armie before the castell of Meireuent, Anno. Reg [...] which belonged vnto Geffrey de Lucignam, and on the day next insuing, being Whitsun éeue, he wanne the same. On Whitsunday he laid siege vnto Nouant,Meireuent. Geffrey de Lucignam. an other castell belonging to the same Geffrey, who as then was lodged in the same, and also two of his sonnes: but within thrée daies after that the siege was laid, the earle of Marsh came to king Iohn,Nouant. and did so much preuaile, that through his means, both Geffrey and his two sonnes were receiued to mer|cie, and king Iohn put in possession of the castell. Af|ter this, bicause king Iohn was aduertised, that Lewes the French kings sonne had now besieged Mountcounter, a castell that was apperteining to the said Geffrey, he hasted thitherwards, and came to Parthenay, whither came to him as well the fore|said earle of Marsh, as also the earle of Augi, and both they togither with the said Geffrey de Lucig|nam, did homage to our king,Mount|counter. and so became his liege men. The same time also, the ladie Iane the kings daughter was affianced to the said earle of Marsh his sonne,Parthenay. whereas the French king made means to haue hir married to his sonne:Iane the daughter of king Iohn married to the erle of Mars [...]. but bicause king Iohn doubted least that suit was attempted but vnder some cloked pretense, he would giue no eare thereto, but rather made this match with the earle of Marsh, in hope so to assure himselfe of the said earle, that he might stand him in no small stéed to defend his cause against his aduersaries of France. But now to the dooings in England.