[1] In the meane time, the earle of Flanders percei|uing that he was not able to resist so puissant an eni|mie as the French king, sent ouer in hast vnto the king of England for aid. Wherevpon king Iohn vnderstanding that his aduersarie king Philip had turned all his force against the earle of Flanders, and that thereby he was deliuered out of the feare of the Frenchmens comming into England; that same nauie (which as before is recited) he had put in a readinesse, conteining the number of fiue hundred saile, Matth. Paris. he sent streight into Flanders with a strong armie, both of horssemen and footmen, vnder the gui|ding of William duke of Holland, William Long|spée earle of Salisburie base brother to king Iohn, and Reignold earle of Bullongne.