[1] Now when Lewes had thus finished his enterpri|ses in those parts, he returned to London,Gilbert de Gaunt made earle of Lin|colne. and short|lie therevpon created Gilbert de Gaunt earle of Lincolne, appointing him to go thither with all con|uenient speed, that he might resist the issues made by them which did hold the castels of Notingham and Newarke, wasting and spoiling the possessions and lands belonging to the barons neere adioining to the same castels. This Gilbert de Gaunt then, togither with Robert de Ropeley, comming into that coun|trie, tooke the citie of Lincolne, and brought all the countrie vnder subiection (the castell onlie exceptedî€Lincolne woone.) [page 193] After that,Holland in Lincolnshire inuaded. they inuaded Holland, and spoiling that countrie, made it also tributarie vnto the French. Likewise, Robert de Roos, Peter de Bruis, and Ri|chard Percie, subdued Yorke and all Yorkeshire, bringing the same vnder the obeisance of Lewes.Yorkeshire subdued to Lewes. The king of Scots in like sort subdued vnto the said Lewes all the countrie of Northumberland, except the castels which Hugh de Balioll, and Philip de Hul|cotes valiantlie defended against all the force of the enimie.