[1] The chéefest points (as we find) that were laid by Lewes his procurators against king Iohn were these,The points wherewith king Iohn was charged. that by the murther committed in the person of his nephue Arthur, he had béene condemned in the parlement chamber, before the French king, by the péeres of France, and that being summoned to ap|peare, he had obstinatelie refused so to doo, and there|fore had by good right forfeited not onelie his lands within the precinct of France, but also the realme of England, which was now due vnto the said Lewes as they alledged, in right of the ladie Blanch his wife, daughter to Elianor quéene of Spaine. But the pope refelled all such allegations as they produ|ced for proofe hereof, & seemed to defend king Iohns cause verie pithilie; but namelie, in that he was vn|der the protection of him as supreme lord of Eng|land: againe, for that he had taken vpon him the crosse (as before yée haue heard.) But now to re|turne where we left.